How should I structure my web-scraper running on AWS?

Introduction Web scraping is an effective method to gather data from the internet, and when combined with AWS, it becomes a powerhouse of efficiency. Structuring your web-scraper properly ensures optimal performance. Let’s explore how to structure a web-scraper on AWS in a streamlined manner. Foundations of AWS Web Scraping Understanding the Basics AWS, or Amazon… Continue reading How should I structure my web-scraper running on AWS?

How I built a Scalable Web-Scraper with AWS

Introduction Scalability in the digital world is vital, especially when dealing with vast amounts of data and dynamic websites. AWS (Amazon Web Services) offers a solution that’s both robust and adaptable. Here’s my journey in creating a scalable web-scraper using AWS. Getting Started with AWS Why AWS? The first question many ask is, why choose… Continue reading How I built a Scalable Web-Scraper with AWS

How to scrape Apollo for free?

Introduction In the age of data-driven decisions, website scraping has become an invaluable tool for researchers, marketers, and data enthusiasts. Apollo, one of the platforms many people seek information from, is no exception. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to scrape Apollo for free using straightforward methods and simple English. Ready to… Continue reading How to scrape Apollo for free?